May 3, 2009

Thank you for your faith, love, support, fasting and prayers.

We got home late tonight after a very long day at the hospital. I wanted to give you an update on Bryce's status. Bryce has been diagnosed with a very aggressive lymphoma cancer that is attacking is esophagus, liver, kidney, bowel, lungs, etc. He has been in septic shock and his organs were shutting down.

Unfortunately he continued to get worse and got into respiratory distress today. The doctors felt that he may have a serious infection or even a necrotic or dead bowel that was causing the sepsis (entire body infection) so this evening they decided to do emergency surgery to save his life. They were very concerned about doing the surgery because of his extremely weakened condition and the fact that he has so much scar tissue from all of his previous abdominal surgeries.

Fortunately the surgery went well - they did not find any dead bowel tissue or other infection like they suspected. It at least rules out these possibilities because they really thought this might be the what caused the septic shock.

He is now on a ventilator, which we feel good about because it will allow him to rest. He was really struggling to breathe earlier today so he is now in a drug-induced coma. Although he is critically ill they feel that they need to start the chemotherapy right away to save his life because of how aggressive the cancer is. Although things don't look very good for him I am actually more encouraged this evening that the Lord will preserve his life. We have all that we can do and have put his life in the Lord's hands.

Thanks again for your concern. It is greatly appreciated.


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