May 2, 2009

Bryce still remains in critical condition. He was actually a little more alert today than yesterday and demonstrated a very good attitude considering everything - he even had a little bit of humor. His kidney function also improved slightly. Also his jaundice didn't seem quite as bad to us today. This was all very encouraging to us.

However, he continues to have severe abdominal pain. He is not exchanging gases like he should - this didn't really improve today, but it didn't get worse either. If it gets worse they will need to intubate him and put him on a ventilator. Unfortunately one of his lungs has greatly reduced capacity, which may be the result of the cancer??? He takes frequent shallow breaths.

He is on so many IV medications to keep everything stable - he is now back on two IV blood pressure medications to keep his blood pressure up.

They did a couple of CT scans today on his abdomen, but they didn't reveal anything significant, which is good, but they don't know what is causing all of the pain unless it is the cancer.

Kendra and I have put his life in the Lord's hands and trust that His will be done. We feel hope that he will live through this, but this is still very life threatening.

We greatly appreciate your faith and prayers in his behalf.


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